On the morning of March 25, Prof. LI Jianping (honorary President of PhD Associationof Study in Japan) along with Ishikawa Naoyo (director of Japan InternationalEducational Institution) and KoiMitsuo, led a delegation to visit JUST. Vice-president Prof. WANG Jiayoumet the visitors. Representatives from Foreign Affairs Office of Zhenjiang governmentand JUST International Office attended the meeting.
Prof. WANG Jiayou extended warm welcometo Prof. LI’s visit and introduced the history, the characteristics of disciplines, and internationalcooperation and exchanges of JUST. Prof. LI explicated the basic information ofPhD Association of Study in Japan and the mainpurpose of this visit. The two sidesheld an in-depth discussion on the joint training of students, research cooperation and productresearch and development between JUST and relevant universities in Japan. Afterthe meeting, the delegation visited the campus accompanied by representativesof International Office.
JapaneseInternational Educational Institution (JIEI), officially registered by Ministry of Justice, is aninstitution occupied in international educational exchange with the nature of generalConsortium legal person. Under the supervision and guidance of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science andTechnology, JIEI aims to engage ininternational cooperation and exchange activities between various educationalinstitutions.