Zhenjiang,April 9 (JUST) — Vice Minister GREBA of Ministryof Education and Science of Ukraine along with Rector KLYMENKO and vice Rector YEMELYANOVof Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, Rector KOTSAN of Lesya UkrainkaEastern European National University, and Director RYZHKOV of Science ResearchCenter of International Academy of Marine Science Technologies and Innovations leda delegation to visit JUST. President ZHOU Nanping and vice-president WANGJiayou met the visitors.

President ZHOUextendedwarm welcome to GREBA’s visit and Heintroduced the participation of JUST in the process of education and scientificcooperation between China and Ukraine, reviewing the achievements made in thecooperation with Ukrainian universities and institutes. President ZHOU also introducedthe history, thecharacteristics of disciplines, scientific achievementsand international cooperation and exchanges of JUST.

Vice MinisterGREBA said it was his first time to visit China, and wasaffected by the great changes in China's economic and the achievements of JUST.He said China was always the important strategic partner to Ukraine andMinistry of Education of Ukraine would always be committed to promoting scientificcooperation between two countries. Hehoped Ukraine universities and JUST would establish intensive cooperation.

The two sidesheld an in-depth discussion on the joint training of students, academic exchanges andresearch cooperation.

Representatives from JUST President Office, Science and TechnologyDepartment and International Office attended the meeting.