May 6 Update: No New Confirmed Case Reported in Jiangsu


Between 00:00 and 24:00, May 5, no new confirmed imported COVID-19 case was reported in Jiangsu. As of 24:00, May 5, 22 confirmed imported cases have been reported in Jiangsu, 19 of whom have been discharged from hospital and 3 were still under isolated treatment in hospital.

No new confirmed local case was reported on May 5. 631 confirmed local cases have been reported in Jiangsu cumulatively and all have been discharged from hospital as of 24:00, May 5.

On May 5, no new asymptomatic carrier was reported in the province. 2 asymptomatic carriers, both of which were imported from overseas, were still under centralized quarantine and medical supervision at designated hospitals.

Of the traced 13,637 close contacts with the confirmed cases and asymptomatic carriers, 5 are still under medical quarantine and 13,632 have been released.

Experts note that we are still faced with a complex situation in fighting against the pandemic. We need to take prevention and control as regular work with high vigilance and tight precautions. All those who visit or return to Jiangsu should comply with relevant regulations, fulfill their responsibilities by truthfully declaring their health conditions and travel histories and make health declaration via “Jiangsu Health Code”. They should seek treatment at designated fever clinics as soon as possible, if symptoms such as fever and cough occur, and report their whereabouts in the previous two weeks.

Everyone bears the primary responsibility for their own health. The public is advised to maintain good hygiene by washing hands and ventilating rooms frequently, wearing masks when going out, refraining from spitting or littering in public places, and using a tissue or the elbow to cover the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. The public should develop a healthy lifestyle; keep a balanced diet and exercise properly; quit smoking and drink moderately; and pursue the peace of mind. Unnecessary gathering and travel are still not recommended, and social distancing should be practiced.








550時から24時までの間、江蘇省で新型コロナウイルス肺炎(COVID-19) 海外からの新規輸入患者数がゼロで、また5524時までの時点で海外からの輸入症例は累計22人と報告されたうち、19人が完治して退院した一方、のこり3人が入院治療中という。









55장쑤성코로나19 신규확진자없음


55 0-24장쑤성에해외유입코로나19 신규확진자가없는것으로나타났다. 55 24기준해외유입확진자 22명으로집계되었는데퇴원환자는 19명이고격리치료중인환자는3명이다.

당일장쑤성신규코로나19 확진자가없었고, 55 24기준 631명 확진자는모두완치되어퇴원했다.

당일신규 무증상감염자가 없었고 아직 지정병원에서집중격리의학관리를받고있는 무증상 감염자는 2명이 있는데 모두 다 해외유입 사례이다.

현재장쑤성에감염자무증상감염자의밀접접촉자는 13,637명으로파악됐다.  13,632명은능동감시해제됐고5명은아직의학적능동감시를받고있다.

전문가를의하면현재코로나19 사태가여전히복잡하니방역통제상시화의현을팽팽하게당겨항상경계하고빈틈없이예방해야한다. 장쑤성에들어온모든사람은관련규정에따라 '쑤캉마(蘇康碼)' 플랫폼에등록해서건강상태스케줄정보를신고하는의무를이행해야한다. 만약발열이나기침증상이있으면즉시지정발열진료소로가서진료를받는동시 2이내의동선을보고해야한다.

모든사람은자신건강의1책임자이니좋은생활위생습관을길러야한다. 예를들면손을자주씻고, 마스크를착용하며, 자주환기시키고, 아무데나가래를뱉거나쓰레기를함부로엎지르지않는다. 또한기침이나재채기를티슈나팔꿈치소매로입과코를가려야한다. 합리적인음식, 적당한운동, 금연, 과음제한그리고심리적인균형건강한생활방식을유지한다. 불필요한모임이나외출을 자제하고, 사람들간에거리두는것을권장한다.